Hey Beautiful Mamas,

My name is Corin Maya. I am a stay-at-home mother of two children three and one years of age. I am an east coast girly, originally from NJ, but I have bounced around due to my prior service in the US Navy.

I have ventured in a few small businesses over the past few years but none of them had longevity. I believe that was the case because they were nothing that I was truly passionate about. After having my two children, I realized that motherhood is my passion. Despite how draining it can be, I love being a mom. I love the love that comes with being a mom. Your children genuinely love you unconditionally. Being a SAHM of 2 while still trying to find yourself as a woman and heal can be a lot sometimes but it’s worth it. Being a mother to two already personality filled kids makes the ride that much more fun. Watching them build a bond that becomes stronger and stronger every day is a highlight of mine. Yes, I get overwhelmed. Yes, I get overstimulated. Yes, there are days where my kids work every nerve in my body, but at the end of the day I wouldn’t trade being a mother in for the world.